Monday, April 7, 2008


Alot of people must think i'm some kind of a waste man who never releases anything apart from an instrumental album called "This product contains Nuts" which went ghetto mahogany, meaning 200 copies sold...which is relatively good cause i had schiztophrenia at the time and couldnt quite kkep up with the record sales...but i'm alive though. mixtape coming in a week, i promise, ive been mad busy....cormega is on it now.

So i had an aids test done and i'm glad to say i passed with flying colors, distinctions and the deans list. To be honest i only took the test cause it was for insurance purposes so i could get life insurance( i dont have kids, but i do have bitches)...the nurse came to my crib, she was fat, ugly and polite, she was rough with the needle, she disturbed my lunch...can you imagine you were frying a steak with chips and tomato and onion sauce then your door bell rings and its a nurse with a portable hiv test kit??

2 days later after getting drunk with my girlfriend who had her thumbs crossed i get home and got a call from the nurse, i was negative. i drank a bottle of vodka afterwards, what an anti-climax...i got high and drunk for a week before hand to prepaRE myself for the test, then i got drunk whilst waiting for the results...if i was positive i would have partied like its 1999, just to go out with a bang, but when your result is negative, its just another night at the bar.

on a more serious note, CITINITE DJ and owner wants to play my music in london...finally, i always saw my listeners as adolescents in bowler hats who like to beat up homeless people at bus stops...also thinking about going to LONDON next year..dunno though..maybe croatia...



color boyz

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