Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Big Space Mixtape

do you rememer the first time you ejaculated? and im not talking about the first time you had pussy( or anus if youre from San francisco)but the first time you realized you had sperm...i remembeR MINE.... i told everyone in my class... but like the haters they are to this very day, they didnt believe...they were like " come on then, show us, go wank " i declined, till this day no one believes i'm capable of pro-creating despite the fact that my nuts drag on the floor when i swagger....this blog is going to change that. cause i just came in my pants....look at this..if this doesnt make you hard then maybe you really need to renegotiate the basis of heterosexuality.


"its my birthday yesterday, anyway ima go sniff this, i'll beep in an hour, i hate you" Necro